Samhan Chronicles
Post has published by GM Jack

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amidst the whispers of ancient wisdom carried through time, the elements call upon their defenders to reclaim their bloodright in a land as instinctually familiar as it is foreign and unexpected.

only the descendants of the ancient bloodlines of samhan can restore balance to the expanding chaos of elemental discordance, their lives dedicated to the skillful mastery of the very elements that have fueled near destruction in their absence.

this realm sits on the veil that connects the elemental realm to the physical, and the fabric is ripping, the element’s call to its protectors is a painfilled moan, it has failed in healing itself and the calamity overflowed beyond the tears. samhan exists in plain sight but only reachable to those who hear the call from generations before them, asking them to follow their instincts to a place a former version of themselves once called home.

this is no ordinary tale, but a living, breathing saga where your choices shape the very fabric of reality.

here, equality isn’t just an ideal—it’s the foundation of a society where defenders rise to meet their destiny. as you embark on this perpetual quest, guided by unseen hands and newfound allies, you’ll grow in insight and master skills that not only counter the dangerous forces that lurk outside of the city walls, but vanquish them and return their energy to the earth where it belongs. together the community navigates the intricate dance of living timelines, and compete for glory on level playing fields for boundless heights of excellence.

from the self-governing region of qi’an to the neighbors who have closed their borders, up beyond the realms of the immortals, every step you take writes a new chapter in a chronicle that spans ages and is recorded in real time. seven seconds outside the realm equals sixty within, everything can change in literally a moments notice.

welcome to samhan, where the lessons of the past forge the excellence of tomorrow, and the memory of a lost home fuels the motivation to build a better one in its place.


embark on a journey where every step matters.

discover the intricate balance of our world, where tension and harmony intertwine like roots of an ancient tree. here, equality isn’t just a concept—it’s the very soil we tread upon.


unleash the inner guardian

explore a realm of legendary armor forged solely to protect defenders from elemental harm. from stalwart defenses to ethereal protections, master elemancy and forge a path to invincibility.


qi’an: cradle of defenders

heirlooms, forged in the crucible of ancestral bloodlines, call forth defenders. bound by bloodright to a noble lineage, these artifacts whisper tales of qi’an, a realm where destiny is forged. drawn irresistibly to its shores, defenders discover their true potential as they wield the power of their ancestors. discover the legacy. become the legend


time flows differently in samhan, where every choice you make shapes your journey

 in this world, the rhythm of the sun and moon dictates not just the lives of the townspeople but the very fabric of existence itself. build bonds with the locals, navigate the delicate politics of daily life, and choose your friendships wisely. each relationship unlocks unique opportunities, weaving a path only you can follow in a realm where time bends to the will of the elements


rise through the ranks in the crucible of competition

in the competitive arenas of Samhan, every victory in combat elevates a defender’s standing, showcasing their prowess across physical, mental, and chance-based challenges. excelling in these contests secures a place on the leaderboards, where the recognition of skill is matched by tangible rewards.

success in these battles sharpens the ability to confront and defeat the elemental monsters that roam the realm, making competition a vital aspect of mastering the forces that shape samhan


reclaim your legacy in samhan

defenders of samhan, unite! a legacy awaits those who answer the call. join the first wave of defenders returning home, reclaim your ancestral home, and shape the destiny of a realm. build alliances, conquer challenges, and reap exclusive rewards. your actions now will echo through the ages. rise, defenders, and prove your worth!


the unbound tome

this final chapter holds countless tales yet to be told
beyond these pages lies a universe of knowledge, strategies, and lore waiting to be explored
delve deeper into the world of Samhan, and uncover the secrets that guide Defenders to their destiny

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virtuoso spotlight: NUAC / Tom_FJM

Post has published by GM Jack
this is the very first in what will be a long line of samhan's virtuoso spotlights we are so proud to highlight the multifaceted composer,...
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Emotes: Phase 1

Post has published by GM Jack
right from playtest #1 we all agreed something was missing the sprites were using words but they lacked the accompanying gestures to punctuate, and without...
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Appearance Skinning implemented!

Post has published by GM Jack
the introduction of the skinning system allows defenders to transform the appearance of their combat gear while retaining its original stats and enhancements. this feature...